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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/11/19 Premillennialism Uncovered Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun PM Kenny_Moorer_-_Premillennialsim_Uncovered.mp3
08/04/19 Perfectly Suited Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun AM Kenny_Moorer_-_Perfectly_Suited.mp3
07/28/19 Faith Of The Called Out Blake Edwards Sermon N/A Sun PM Blake_Edwards_-_Faith_of_the_called_out.mp3
07/28/19 Changed By Jesus Blake Edwards Sermon N/A Sun AM Changed_By_Jesus_-_Blake_Edwards.mp3
07/21/19 The Purpose of Fasting Milton Harris Sermon N/A Sun PM Milton_Harris_-_The_Purpose_of_Fasting.mp3
07/14/19 Zimbabwe Report Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun PM Kenny_Moorer_-_Zimbabwe_Report.mp3
07/14/19 Sword Of The Spirit Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun AM Kenny_Moorer_-_Sword_of_the_Spirit.mp3
07/07/19 The Nature of Law Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun PM Kenny_Moorer_-_The_Nature_of_Law.mp3
07/07/19 The Importance of the Bread of Life Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun AM Kenny_Moorer_-_The_Importance_of_the_Bread_of_Life.mp3
06/30/19 Jehoshaphat's Prayer Carson Hagood Sermon N/A Sun PM Carson_Hagood-_Jehoshaphats_Prayer.mp3
06/30/19 Backseat Driving Through The Bible Carson Hagood Sermon N/A Sun AM Carson_Hagood_-_Backseat_Driving_Through_The_Bible.mp3
06/23/19 What You Miss When We Miss You Jeff Smith Sermon N/A Sun AM Jeff_Smith_-_What_You_Miss_When_We_Miss_You.mp3
06/23/19 Lot's Fateful Day Jeff Smith Sermon N/A Sun PM Jeff_Smith_-_Lots_Fateful_Day.mp3
06/16/19 Fathers Who Give Hope Kenny Moorer Sermon N/A Sun AM Kenny_Moorer_-_Fathers_Who_Give_Hope.mp3
06/13/19 Lesson 4: The Church: What A Fellowship Bill Hall Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Bill_Hall_-_The_Church_-_What_a_Fellowship.mp3
06/13/19 Lesson 4: Seeking Things Above in Our Work Reagan McClenny Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Reagan_McClenny_-_Seeking_Things_Above_in_Our_Work.mp3
06/13/19 Lesson 5: Do Not Grow Weary in the Fight Edwin Crozier Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Edwin_Crozier-_Do_Not_Grow_Weary_in_the_Fight.mp3
06/13/19 Lesson 5: Jeremiah: Identifying False Prophets Curtis Byers Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Curtis_Byers-__Lesson_5_-_Jeremiah-_Identifying_False_Prophets.mp3
06/12/19 Lesson 4: Jeremiah: Proclaiming God's Word Curtis Byers Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Curtis_Byers_-_Lesson_4_-_Jeremiah_-_Proclaiming_Gods_Word.mp3
06/12/19 Lesson 4: Battle Strategy #3: Walk With Others Edwin Crozier Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Edwin_Crozier_-_Lesson_4_-Battle_Strategy_3-_Walk_With_Others.mp3
06/12/19 Lesson 3: The Church: Glorifying God Bill Hall Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Bill_Hall_-_Lesson_3_-_The_Church_-_Glorifying_God.mp3
06/12/19 Lesson 3: Seeking Things Above In Our Marriages Reagan McClenny Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Reagan_McClenny_-_Lesson_3_-_Seeking_Things_Above_in_Our_Marriages.mp3
06/11/19 Lesson 2: Renewed Knowledge to Seek Things Above Reagan McClenny Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Reagan_McClenny_-_Lesson_2_-_Renewed_Knowlege_to_Seek_Things_Above.mp3
06/11/19 Lesson 3: Battle Strategy #2: Put Off and Put On Edwin Crozier Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Edwin_Crozier_-_Lesson_3_Battle_Strategy_2_-_Put_Off_and_Put_On.mp3
06/11/19 Lesson 3: Jeremiah: The Vision of Figs Curtis Byers Lectureship 2019 Lectureship Lectureship Curtis_Byers_-_Lesson_3_-_Jeremiah_-_The_Vision_of_Figs.mp3

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